Importance of Fantasy/Fiction/Drama

Fiction/Fantasy helps you experiment things without any of the risks. You can go to any extremes and still be safe. This open ups your mind and soul. It gets more refined and stronger as it now has a more-detailed database of thoughts, experiences and scenarios.
Blindfolding children to make them not see ‘objectionable’ content might work at that particular moment, but it is BOUND to strike back some time later and you might not be with them then.

Being aware of as many experiences or scenarios is important, in fact PIVOTAL, inorder to create better experiences and scenarios that will contribute to the greater good.

Picking up only particular things or following a pre-programmed path is bound to throw up bugs and errors and lead to irrecoverable crashes when an exception is occured.
You need to make it immune to all possible exceptions inorder for it to work as expected.

The key is in the presentation. And the support system.
And by support system, I meant a situation where it is evident, obvious and accepted that reading/watching crime stories, thinking extreme fantasy thoughts are natural and healthy along with the global awareness of the fact that, those fantasies and ficitonal scenarious are not meant to be done in real-life.
Duh, follow the course of thought and you will wonder “how can someone actually think that someone will do all those fantasies in real-life. it’s plain stupid to do that”.

(offtopic. bookmark: )